Tuesday, November 30, 2010

events like this is like..

 Okay so last night dated 11/30/10, we attended an advance Christmas party at Shangri-La Hotel Makati branch. We arrived quite early then few minutes after, I got bored and decided to draw. Yeah my brother told me to draw a miniature of him but it was unsuccessful. (well the picture below shows that I'm smiling because my brother had some tripping on my sketch..)


what a face! screw it! haha:)) 

me and my mom:)

it's me with tita Susan's lovely angels:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

imma waste your time

I tried. I just failed though.. I know that things now are not the same as before. Whenever I get to reminisce those moments, oh it effing kills me little by little. I hate it! Everything about you seems to be frivolous because of those clichés and believe me, it's no more effective. I wish you'd know about that.. It is really hard to express random thoughts so maybe, maybe I'll just stop.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Are you araid of being forgotten?





if yes,


start writing:)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Entry.

Okay so this isn't my first time in this site because I had one before then I deleted it for some reasons which I cannot elaborate further. Well anyway, it's nice to be back. As for now, am thinking of random things but I still don't have any idea how am gonna throw it all up in here so maybe.. maybe I'll just paste some links..

There you go:')